Cath makes enough washing powder for a year for about $10. It depends on how much washing you do of course, but I reckon this should last me at least 6 months and that’s a substantial saving!
Instructions and Ingredients to make the washing powder
- 1 bar soap, grated
- 1 cup washing soda (Lectric Soda)
- 1 cup bi-carb soda
- Mix together and store in a sealed container.
Use 3 scant teaspoons per load for a top-loader and 1 scant teaspoon per load for a front loader.
You can use up the small slivers of toilet soap you collect if you like, ordinary bath soap or laundry soap. This recipe is ideal for using up all the leftovers you collect in the family bathroom. It won’t produce masses of suds, but it will get your clothes clean. Suds aren’t necessary to clean but they look good.
Cath uses borax in her mix instead of bi-carb, but I recycle the water onto my garden and sometimes I wonder about borax. I know that the bi-carb soda won’t harm my plants.
Here’s Cath in her video