My tenant Stephanie at Mystickal Incense is having fun with paint at the moment (I thought only kindergarten kids did that) but the pigs at National Taiwan University are green from the inside out. Yes, green. And they glow in the dark.
Back in my University days when the world was young, I would have loved to been part of breeding a green pig. Or better still, one that could fly. Fabulous for Protests. We all did a lot of chemical experimenting in those days, and at times I may have glowed green myself. I certainly flew.
While on the subject of trivial mutations, whatever happened to Alba, the Green Rabbit who was created by French genetic researchers for artist Eduardo Kac? She had green jellyfish genes, and glowed in the dark.
What good are these creatures? Not much at all, unless you’re a Raelian clone and glow in the dark yourself.
I suggest bedside lamps