My Grandmother could stop a brewery horse dead in its tracks.
The havoc this caused is a story for another day, I only mention it because, although Nanna was a fine figure of a woman and red-headed to boot, she had a nasty reptilian look about the eyes.
Now my numerous cousins tell me that I am beginning to look like her
“You’ve got her look about the eyes, Queenie. Pity you couldn’t copy her smile.”
Well I have news for them. Just like you, I didn’t copy my frown from my father or unconsciously pick up a grimace from Grandma. Conscious or unconscious has nothing to do with it
(I had plenty of chances to learn from my Nanna, she was just plain unconscious at least once a week)
Scientists at the University of Haifa have concluded that facial expressions are genetically determined. You can’t beat your genes. And it’s too late to beat Grandma.
All this time I thought if you pulled an ugly expression, the wind might change, and the expression would stay forever. My grandmother told me that.