Personally I can go without XXXX beer for an indefinite amount of time, like twenty years, but I may revise my opinion.
A couple of stubbies of the Queensland beer brought a horse back from the dead which, you must admit, seems to denote a valuable quality in the mix. Any brew which can give you a kick-start when you’re hovering at death’s door is worthwhile having in your medicine cabinet. Or in your fridge, whatever floats your boat.
Diamond Mojo, struck down with potentially deadly colic, had been given the last rites by his owner Steve Clibborn.
I had pretty much kissed him goodbye
said Steve, and as a last resort he turned to the grog.
it was worth a shot and as soon as he had that beer, he burped and perked right up. So I gave him another couple.
Some mornings I could do with a miracle to get out of bed in one piece. I may just pick up a couple of bottles of XXXX and give them a nudge. I’ll let you know how it goes.